Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jeremiah Ten, Again

We came back to Jeremiah Ten, last tuesday, with a bunch of guests at the table... It was a great study. We bounced from the verse about expert Idol makers, to a discussion of "expertness" that led us to an examination of Wisdom.

There is worldly wisdom.
There is godly wisdom.

We checked them out, and saw how the wisdom of the world is often used to "dress idols". The study ran from about 7pm to 11pm... Greetings to Mike and Emily (thanks for helping in the kitchen).
You need to know that I preached against the UFC this week. We should talk...

Peace to johntheGodhiker who brought Mike and Emily. You enrich our study with your intensity. gogogogogo!
JP, Zach, Chris, Lawless... all of you who sat at the table... Blessings!

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