Friday, September 28, 2007

Jeremiah 18 (click here for chapter)

The story of Jeremiah's trip to the Potter--the moral is simple:
God is the Potter. We are the clay. If we're bad, he'll start us over. That means a bit of crushing.

v.11 is interesting: after all this threatening and doom, God calls them to turn from their evil, again. I think of Nineveh in the time of Jonah. They repented (and they were much more wicked) and God spared them.

I am convinced that, at this point in the ministry of Jeremiah, tha if the people had rent their hearts, God would have turned back the Babylonian armies. No kidding. God would have scrapped the whole deportation plan.
But they didn't.
And He didn't.

This morning I woke up very early, unable to sleep,adn listened on my iPod to some new music from a dude who writes songs. There's a link on sam's blog, from our main blog. Anyway, there's this one about "seek the ancient paths..."

Then today, this study says that Judah had forgotten God, burned incense to idols, and "...caused themselves to stumble in their ways,
from the ancient paths,
to walk in pathways
and not on a highway."

this is me.
This is us.
I see myself in this apostate nation, and I cry, "O God, please save! Please forgive! Please rescue from ME, and turn my heart to love you!" And God has always answered with a resounding "YES!!!!!"

Ever since the first day he found me kicking in my blood, Jesus has never failed me. Even when troubles and trials have made me face my worst fears, trusting in him has seen me into his courts to plead my case, and He has seen me through.

This is what God is calling them to in Jeremiah. To admit and repent.

but in v.18
they plot against Jeremiah.
and Jeremiah calls down a curse on them.
a bitter prayer
from a broken heart...

you think Jeremiah was mad and disappointed? How was God's heart in all this?

and Just really quick, how wicked do you think those nations were, that israel displaced inthe exodus and entry?

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