Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jeremiah 25

A word from YHVH for "All the people":

Jeremiah personally involved in this prophecy...
the purpose of all the bitter crying out, to this point was MERCY!
But now (in the first year of Nebby), it's over.

70 years of exile. This is the chapter where we get the 70 year figure, a prophecy fulfilled in the days of Daniel, and the governors of judah...

some of this chapter is for them, in that generation. other parts of it ring with apocalyptic tones, of that great day of slaughter that awaits the unpenitent, during the day of the Lord...

and the last part is a lament over the shepherds. the wicked, unfaithful spiritual leaders whose cowardice, greed and impurity have brought down the guilt of the ages on their heads...

The Lord is likened to a lion leaving it's lair with roars. He is coming to scatter his land of trespassers and hunters...

LIstening to this, do you see how the judgment of God will be on the leaders of the church today who aren't fully committed to preaching the word of the Lord with purity and bravery? Mercy.
if you're a pastor, and you're reading this, or some preacher-type, watch out! Don't compromise the truth about Jesus, even if it means loss of position, power, opportunity, influence, money, home, job, whatever. You need to be brave and teach people to OBEY Jesus in this generation...

Nationally, we should all be praying for the leaders of our country who, thought they aren't the church, are leading the direction of our earthly sojouren. Pray for their wisdom, and protection from Satan, who runs the show too often for lack of our prayers' ascent.

Look at the shepherd passages, again today. Read proverbs, fear the lord, and be amazed by grace.

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