Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jeremiah 32

In 1 corinthians 10, it says that the things we're reading here were written as examples for us, on whom the end times have come (yes, 2,000 years of "end times"). The things we're reading about Israel have happened so that we wouldn't desire evil, like so many of them did back then, and were destroyed.

and here, in Jer. 32, I read about restoration, and the promise of return, even on the eve of destruction.

And we have seen with our own eyes the return of the Israelites to their land, a thing never before seen in the history of mankind: the return of a thoroughly exiled people,and the re-establishment of their own language in the land.

yet, even more striking to me is the promise of an "everlasting covenant". In verses 37-41 a covenant is promised in which God will deal bountifully with his people on a HEART level. He will give them "one heart and one way". He will "put [his] fear in their hearts".
And here we stand, whose hearts brim with the Spirit's voice, bouncing from Romans 6 Conviction to Romans 7 Sorrow to Romans 8 Rejoicing, in a dynamic walk with Jesus. All this was accomplished for us in the Cross! Sealed by the Spirit.


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