Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Jeremiah 34

unbelievable. if you thought it was hard for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, well, this isn't that hard, but it's really really hard! To go to your king and tell him that he's going to lose. Flat out.
at least Jeremiah got to predict a peaceful death for Zedekiah, though.

then there's this slavery controversy! How, in the face of immanent slaughter, could a person let free and then recapture their slaves? these are the leaders of the City. These are the top dawgs of the country.

Can you see what a scandalous lot were running things before the nation got judged? Today's Psalms have a line that goes: "The wicked prowl on every side, When vileness is exalted among the sons of men" --Ps. 12:8
These people were really prowling, and they had been worshipping the sex and death gods on the side for years! False religion. sex and death. false gods adn idols. sex and death... they forgot how to blush! they were experts in sin! and they had NO integrity, even when they agreed with a (relatively) righteous king, they went back on it! astounding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God has always had a heart for the slaves to be free...liberty for all...

and not only did they not do what he commanded, they broke a covenant before him...that's serious stuff...

it makes me tremble and soberly consider my actions and my oaths/covenants before God. Like the Corinthian church Paul rebuked for not following through on their commitment...a promise before God is serious stuff. as well as faithfully doing what he commands.

this chapter bewilders me in how these folk could be so base, so slow to obey; and yet I am humbled and struck with a healthy mix of fear and amazement at my propensity to do the same, and His astonishing love and mercy for me. He is good. So very good. john