Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jeremiah 23

check out Ezekiel 34 for more words on shepherds
Look at John 10, where Jesus talks about himself as the shepherd
Look at Ephesians 4:11 and following, where the "pastor" is mentioned...

Israel (at Jeremiah's time) had been known as the nation ransomed from sojourn and bondage in Egypt. This passage prophesies their new international identity as the nation ransomed from having been scattered to the four winds.
This week, Mr. Weiss mentioned to me the joy of paying for the plane ride of Jewish settlers from Russia. There are programs set up to do that... the 'aliyah is the term for "going up" to israel...
any thoughts about how this prophecy has come to pass?

v. 9-end
the heart of this condemnation of the false prophets is that they turn people aside from faithfulness to YHVH. You can judge them by fruit: Matt. 7

Judging/Discerning vs. Judging/Condemning
1 Cor. 2:15--spiritual people judge/discern
Matt. 7:15--judgment/discernment is necessary to avoid deception
Matt.7:1--but not a picky, impatient judgment of wrongs. We should be forebearing to each other...

The standard is "...how you want to be judged, so judge..."
Personally, I'd love to have someone confront me about false teaching. Paul told Timothy to "...watch [his] life and doctrine closely, for by so doing [he] will save both [himself] and [his] hearers." If I err in the teaching of the gospel, or if an incompleteness in presentation of teaching leads to confusion of the saints, PLEASE treat that as serious.
I am called to mutual submission to Christ, in His Body, so I'll listen and happily repent, escaping judgment and entering greater humilities... What joy to be rebuked by brethren who love Jesus above all and wouldn't have His word sullied by my too often profane lips.

...so please, brothers and sisters, develop that character in yourself that is described in the book of Hebrews 5:14
"...those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."
You are supposed to develop into a mature christian who is able to discern right from wrong, in real time. Not to be confused, but to be able to teach and help each other grow into the likeness of Jesus...

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