Wednesday, November 07, 2007

jeremiah 28

v. 1-4
Dude named Hananiah pushes back on Jeremiah. Totally contradicts. What is Jeremiah's credibility level at this point in his ministry?

jeremiah reiterates the test of true prophecy: it comes true. They're dealing with immanent events, here. The proof will come. What is Jeremiah's credibility with the people at the end of the book?

Hananiah loses it and gets theatrical and violent with Jeremiah's visual aid. Seriously, think of how this went down. How violent it was and how it violated JEremiah. Jeremiah just leaves.

After meekly going away, Jeremiah is given a refresher of the word of the last chapter, and gives a personal prophecy for Hananiah that comes true within 2 months. how is his credibility,now?
I bet people just stilll won't listen, though.

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