Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Clarification

Dearest Fellow Followers,

This blog has been created to be part of a more-than-year-long journey through the book of Jeremiah. if you would go back and start contributing comments (they are moderated, so they'll show up the next day), it will help others who read...

In our Meeting Times, we have a list of Scriptures that emerge each week for daily study, as a community. Very few avail themselves of this, but those who do are helpful to others and productive in their sharing...

This blog is another tool for Bible Study that will help us to all grow, together... Before I do Chapter 14, I want you to know that this isn't about me, or you, but about us ALL. When you spend time in Study, what you are absorbing may well be for your neighbor's benefit.

Peace be with your spirit.

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