Thursday, September 28, 2006

Jeremiah 14

Opening Pleas: The Drought.
The Lord gives this poem of pleading to Jeremiah as a revelation. He is hearing the future cries of the beseiged city. He is hearing the spiritual condition of hearts that waste their days on idolatry...

The LORD isn't hearing their pleas. Could you imagine being Jeremiah and hearing the Lord speak in v.11, saying, "Do not pray for the well-being of these people." Incredible...
We think of God's patience as never running out. But here it does. These people were only concerned with saving their skins... But that's true of many of us. We aren't in love with God, we're just sorry for ourselves...
God show mercy to us, granting us "Godly Sorrow".
How frightening it is to think of God not accepting a prayer because of the heart motivation!

This lament sounds truly repentant. I love it. I speak it from my heart right now, over the church in our nation... we are surely on the edge of judgment for all the good we leave undone, and the evil we "amen"... Seriously. We're supposed to be living the WAY--an incredible, revolutionary, jubilee Life...

Remember Jesus? The incredible Man? Wonderful Counselor? Remember what He did? Remember what they who followed Him devoted themselves to? But the American church has few pockets of this revolutionary culture of Jesus... Where it is, it seldom lasts. Marginalized, starved out, confused, misled, deceived, the disciples of Jesus are often subverted to ineffectiveness by the predominant religious forms

It is sad that many who are in the place of leading God's people, like the prophets and priests of Jeremiah's Judah, depend on craftiness and human wisdom, instead of the Power of God...

Jeremiah lived in a time of false prophets... Judgment came on them all... even he wasn't "unscathed". How do we expect to fare, comparing the magnitude of the Church's wickedness, apathy, and idolatry (greed) with that of the Little Nation of Judah?

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